New Burial Alternative for Dominicans!
Read about it below in our advertisement that appeared in the St. John's, Nfld, BUGLE, in September. The service is now being offered to dead people (with one odiferous exception) everywhere in the Western Hemisphere!
(Please note that the entire corpse of the newly-departed loved one must be shipped to Newfoundland at the shipper's expense. The AMAN cannot accept ashes because there is no way they can be verified as genuine human ashes and not ashes from the fireplace or coal-burning furnace. ALSO! Neither the corpse nor the ashes of Brian Wales, aka LORD ASSHOLE, Dufus, etc., will be accepted even if shipped by his grieving widow, Linda. For one thing, he was not even a human being when he was alive! Also, the stench would be over-powering even to morticians who are used to foul odours!)
Memorial Busts
(A Division of Just-In-Time Mortuary Services, Inc.)

As with the ashes of deceased fisherman John Grubb (pictured left), the skilled mortician/sculptor can make a bust that is a perfect replica of your loved one!
If desired, the bust can also be dressed in any costume that the deceased wore or hankered to wear during his or her lifetime! Busts made out of ashes is just one application of this exciting new sculptor/mortician technology!
We at Bust-Your-Ashes™ have had great success in mixing ashes into urinals, toilet bowls, coffee mugs, chastity belts, and a host of other household items that are providing the bereaved with a constant reminder of their dearly departed. Just use your imagination!
Phone 1-800-BUST-ASH, or e-mail
Act NOW for complete information about this exciting new burial alternative!
Look what Abigail Grubb of Widow's Tits, Nfld, says about her late fisherman husband, John Grubb, who is now with her forever!
"John had a wonderful sense of humour and the bust made with his ashes makes me feel he ain't really dead..."
John's bust now 'rests' in her parlour and Abigail feels that John has never left her.
"As in life, John is wearing his infectious grin, like he had just gotten the latest pogey cheque in the mail."