Saturday, December 09, 2006


HALIFAX, NS. Dan McDonald, pictured left, was temporarily $15m richer today because he answered a cry for help in an e-mail sent from Nigeria. "Some people call such messages scams or "junk" but I'm glad I didn't send it to the recycle bin".

Mr. McDonald said the e-mail tore at his heart strings as it told of a Christian Nigerian woman who was being hounded by the government of Nigeria to tell where her late husband had hidden $150m in US dollars. Her husband had died in a horrific plane crash, and she needed help in getting her late husband's wealth out of the country. She said that evil Nigerian officials wanted it for themselves. If Mr. McDonald would tell her his bank account numbers and other sensitive information, she would ensure that he got 10% of her late husband's estate. She also asked for $1,500 to cover administrative costs for the money transfer.

"It's a complicated story," said Mr. McDonald, "but Nigeria is a mostly Muslim country and I couldn't just stand idly by and not respond to a Christian's cry for help."

Mr. McDonald admits being "somewhat apprehensive" but took a chance and responded to the request by sending detailed information concerning his bank accounts and their PIN numbers. He also wired the $1,500 to her account in Nigeria and faxed a photocopy of his passport, driver's license, and several bank cards. "This was necessary to establish my bone fides, and show that I sincerely wanted to help," he said.

"I was on-edge for several weeks, because nothing seemed to be happening, then one day, to my surprised delight, a black man appeared at my front door with a satchel containing $15 million in US dollars in genuine bills of large denomination,". Along with the money there was a note from the Nigerian woman, "Thank you and may God Bless you. This money is what I promised, and I hope you will use it to do good for others as you did for me."

Mr. McDonald said, "This is Christmas and a time for giving. The money couldn't have come at a better time. I have given virtually all of it away to various charities, leaving only a few thousand dollars that I want to give to a crippled, orphaned boy who leaves up the street in the basement of his grandmother's house. He desperately needs to have a broken leg reset."

And a Merry Christmas to you, Mr. McDonald, from all the staff who work on this blog. It is good to know that the spirit of goodness and generosity lives on in persons such as you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This story has touched my heart and I almost wept real tears as I read it. Could you please send me Mr. McDonald's email address as I want to send him greetings and other information?

9:06 a.m.  
Blogger Lyin' Brian said...

Thank you Brian. My bank account in BMCS is #298561007, and my pin is 7183V9.
How much do you want? Don McDonald

9:42 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so very sorry to be logging in so late on my response to this amazing story. It was - unfortunately - necessary to get my eyeballs fixed so I could see clearly to decode the word verification required by this site. However, the story is so magnificent that I simply had to comment upon it. I too was greatly stirred by this heart-wrenching story and it reminded me of the biblical words to the effect that "have I not charity, I am nothing"..."I am become as brass or a tinkling " (something or other)...that I felt I must express my astonishment that so many good and fine people were involved in this masterly undertaking. What a wonderful world this would be if the rest of us would only follow the example set by Mr. McDonald. That woman who sought help - through an apparently global cry of anguish - is doubtless but one of many lost, heartbroken, and persecuted souls around the world. I want to encourage every reader of this missive to concentrate on the messages that might arrive without warning - messages pleading for help...that we may all respond positively to aid and abet these earnest strangers.
Come brothers and sisters, let us do our bit to make the world a better place...and let us all show our bankers, governments, and financial institutions what we are really made of...that they might even come to assist us in these wonderful endeavours.
I shall consume a bottle of "Pantherpiss" in celebration of this glorious accomplishment on the part of Mr. McDonald! I might even consume more than one bottle...I am in a mood to really celebrate!

6:58 p.m.  

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