Saturday, September 23, 2006

Lord Asshole's New Wine

Wow! Ducksplatt Winerie and Bathtub Excretions, PLC, has a new wine out today. Doesn't it not look great, or WHAT!!

The label is hard to read in the picture but for your convenience here it is at right in higher resolution.

This is just one of many new Ducksplatt product lines coming out soon that will bring more than a "flush to pallid cheeks" in The Dominican Republic!

Watch for new adulterated wines, whiskies, and amazingly different product lines from Lord Asshole's Workshop in Pata de Gallina (behind outhouse). In the works are fabulous new consumer products, books (mainly about Lord A), and even a movie that's gonna be a blockbuster (all about Lord A when he was a slumlord).

Stay Tuned!! (BTW, These will be on a cash only basis, so Diego, Marjorie Proops, her lesbian husband, Guillermo W. Bushbaby, and other Dominican idiots and morons are out of luck as they will not be sold to them or to any other deadbeats who issue cheques that bounce and expect credit on a promise-to-pay basis! Do they think I'm an idiot!!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

But I haven't GOT an undescended scrotum...................

12:24 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh no???? Well, maybe you don't but your lesbian husband sure does. I got that from one who has seen his 'testimonials' personally!

6:40 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You logged that ISP, Fidel?........hehehehe

1:11 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the REAL Brian Wales.
Well there you GO Cryin, Lyin' Brian - listening to rumours again without checking things out for yourself!!

For a person (I was going to say 'man' but that would have been a compliment not deserved by you) who always says he tells nothing but the truth, you have a way of getting things all screwed up don't you? Maybe that is why so much of what you say is a lie - you listen to your "Other" personna & believe anything you hear from 'it'!

I am sure Marjorie's "Lesbian husband" (can there BE such a thing??) has enough 'testimonials' to have you come check things out personally - why not make an appointment? I suspect each of your personnas are too much a pansy to accept a challenge from him though - like you were with chuckuindy back in the days when you were posting on DR1!!

12:23 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I for one, am not surprised to see an addition to the line of Ducksplatt, the other lines obviously did not go down too well at the hotels (Breezes, Gran Ventana & Sun Village) as we would have heard all about them re-ordering IN GREATER QUANTITIES!! Even Playero Supermarket & Janet's don't seem to have put a further order in!

Doubtless this NEW wine is to bolster flagging sales as cash flow is getting desperate now - no inheritance money, no new wife, no income from law suits!! Times must be getting pretty hard up at Pata de Gallina! Whatever happened to that fantastic Salesman, has he moved on due to not getting his due commissions from Lord A**hole?

Watch for a further Expose on the Blog of that same name shortly, I am sure they will pick up this comment & do their own investigations as to what these "Fantastic Clients" are doing with the first orders placed & why subsequent orders are NOT being put in to Ducado Del Montesol!

12:17 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please do not buy any product from Brian Wales because they make many people very very sick. I think one person is in hospital with permanent damage to kidneys. I was before the manager of sales for Mr. Wales but I quit to work as he is selling a very dangerous product. He is also a big liar and does not pay anybody well. He also hates german people and all black people. He is always very drunk and wrecks many things. Nobody likes him in this country and many wish he would die. His wife hates him very much to.

Stay away from anything from this crazy man.

Juan Osiris Acosta

7:27 p.m.  

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