Sunday, September 10, 2006

Lawyers have warned us!!!!


A legal firm in England has advised us that they have succeeded in forcing a parody of this blog, "Living the Adventure", run by an ex-Brit by the name of Brian Wales, maker of bathtub gins, whiskeys, and wines from chemical juices, to shut down and transfer its written contents to another site (secret, except to friends, who must be very few. See his blog of today if you have a strong stomach.)

Nobody with any sense ever reads his narcissistic, self-glorifying blog, unless they want a laugh seeing what a true idiot can produce on the web, providing, of course, that it's entirely free!

But it was distracting and confusing to some people who got on his blog by mistake thinking it was this one.

Anyway, we wish to thank the legal firm's president, David Brown, BA (HON) , VD and Scar, SCTR, for putting it straight to Lord Asshole that he shouldn't play lawyer when he hasn't the slightest understanding of the law and what it says here, or anywhere else in the civilized world.

He should first ask his daughter, Tara, evidently a lawyer from somewhere, before he mouths off on subjects he knows nothing about. For example, the 'well-educated' Lord Asshole should know that there is no legal meaning to the term "decease and desist" unless it means, "you must die and then stop doing what your're doing".

The legal term, of course, is "cease and desist". But that's just Lord Asshole showing his profound ignorance once again and acting as lawyer when he doesn't have the vaguest idea of law in the Dominican Republic or anywhere else.

BTW, my birthday is coming up, and I just can't WAIT to tell all the wonderful readers of this blog the amazing surprises and celebrations that await YOU on Friday, 15th September! You lucky people; I'm Brian Wales and you're NOT !!!!

Comments to:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could he have meant 'decrease' and desist? With all the people he has upset in the past now coming out of the woodwork, a VERY large group, maybe he wants their numbers to 'decrease'.
Some chance!

11:34 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the word in question here has the wrong tense - DECEASED has a far better ring to it as far as this Avacado/Brian Wales/Ducado/anonymous guy is concerned. MY how I pity his lovely wife for having to put up with him!

2:50 a.m.  

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