Friday, September 01, 2006


We love to receive your comments about anything you read here. However, we will not publish any more comments that begin with coded endearments such as, "Dear M-F***er , etc..." Also, we will only print comments from anonymous if the quality matches this blog in excellence.

So those of you who told me to soak my head in a bucket of rat p**s and are wondering why your comments are not appearing - now you know. This Blog is intended for serious surfers who like to be fully up-to-date of what I am doing in my home, pool, septic tank, and Ducksplatt Winery, and have the benefit of my exact thoughts on everything and why you are inferior to me in every way.

If that is not why you visit this blog then I invite you to join the rest of the ignorant losers in the DR and crawl back under the rock to continue what you were doing before. That aside, there is one more gripe I have to get off my chest!!!!!!!!!

The thing that continues to enrage me is that everyone, even relatives, think they know more than I do! Can you believe it!!!!! What these uneducated losers, stupid ex-pats, low-grade Dominicans, etc., do not understand is that I come from a superior English background and when I speak on any subject, I am the only authority around worth listening to.

As I think back on my nearly 64 years, as a successful vintner, distiller, slum landlord, potato chip maker, lucrative fake charity organizer, supplying Royal Households with concubines and fat boys, etc., my only regret is that when I came to the DR to show this backward country how to make quality wines and whiskies, I trusted and followed the advice of native lawyers, tax officials, developers, ex-pats and other stupid people beyond count. AND EVERY ONE OF THEM IS TRYING TO CHEAT AND SHAKE ME DOWN!!!!!

And now, even my own relatives are giving me advice that belongs in the file with the circular lid! Not long ago, can you believe it, I got an email from a distant cousin in England, Eloha Drol, that had me so mad I couldn't calm down until I relieved the tension by telling everybody in my address book what a drunken sod my wife is and proved it by following up with a picture of her stretched out dead drunk on my bedroom floor!

Eloha, my ex-cousin, said he was concerned about me, (I'll bet!!!) In his letter he made the outrageous statement that I am a controlling individual (in other words, I'm a control freak!!!) and that the way I should treat my drink-sodden wife, Linda, was to sit down with her, put my arm around her, and coo comforting words into her alkie-demented brain!!!!!!!!!!

Well, try to talk to a DRUNK who thinks she knows how to cook, and only succeeds in pissing up my house. I'm tired of trying to keep my bedroom, bathroom, winery, distillery, etc., clean of urine! That bitch is making a career of pissing my life away!!!! I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!!!!!

God knows, I've tried as far as a decent human Englishman can go to get along with everyone in the DR. Try as I do, nothing seems to satisfy anyone, and I get nothing but obnoxious emails from smucking DR lowlifes that demean me and try to make me feel ashamed for being alive. Well, I'M TOTALLY FED UP AND EVERYONE IS GOING TO FEEL MY FURY SOON!!!!!

I may even go so far as to shut down this blog and start it up again under a different name and blog server! AND it will be one that only my friends and supporters will be allowed to view after they send me their email address!!

I'm sure you all agree with me and I welcome and will publish your own personal stories of how everybody except me is at fault.

Contact me at:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ohhh...could this be the beginning of a suicide letter written by the second biggest asshole in the DR??? (First biggest asshole being Snotty Scotty, of course!) Poor old Lyin' Brian can't even be the "first prize winner" in that event either! Still can't catch a break...can ya Brian!?

Must really suck to be you!

10:36 p.m.  

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