Monday, August 28, 2006


We have been receiving complaints from a blooger (Lord Asshole) who says, falsely, that this blog is a parody of his and makes totally false statements about him under his name. In order to not "interfere" with my blog, he has changed his format and now accepts advertisements.

We have decided to NOT follow suit, Our blog is perfect the way it is, and we will continue to post true tales about Lyin' Brian and the Ducksplatt del Pantherpiss wines and alcoholic concoctions. WHAT DO YOU THINK?


We have decided to franchise our winery/distillery operation around the Caribbean. The first fully licensed franchise is available now. It is our hugely popular Ducksplat del Pantherpiss winery in Pata de Gallina on the North Coast of The Dominican Republic. We will get you up and running and producing revenue before you realize whether your asshole is punched, bored, or eaten out by the greedy tax people at Direcion General de Impuestos Internos.

What's more, we'll be on hand to provide ongoing assistance in the way of advice on ways to smuggle in supplies without paying import tax, getting the most out of native staff at the lowest possible wage, how to properly discipline them when they get uppity demanding back pay, and surefire ways to avoid paying bills, wages, and taxes that can eat into your profits.

Apply now - You may just have what it takes. Other areas available: Santiago and surrounding area, Santo Domingo and the South Coast.


Drink Ducksplat del Pantherpiss
Drink responsibly
Drink only ours


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does your training include:
How to Pi$$ pff the locals
How to Sue a lawyer who has treated you fairly
How to CHEAT Rentas Internas & other financial authorities
How NOT to pay taxes due & lie your way through life

& the most NOTED one - How to complain about everything & call people idiots.

With instruction in these querks of human nature(in other words 'how to become moron')combined with how to get statistics to lie for you, you should have an absolute winner. Forget the wine making & selling!!

11:26 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shouldn't be long before he promises to sue the hate board for defamation of character by demoting him from "super moderator" to "member".

4:17 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Franchising, eh? The boys 'll be over..............

12:15 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No VONDER he "RESIGNED" from dat other board, he has busy schedule ahead of him! Suing ex lawyer, a suit out against Rocky's (were those papers ever delivered Marco?), forcing Google into lawsuit against the writer of this blog, the case against Rob at DR1 must be coming up shortly (wasn't it 3 years ago he started dat one?) Plus ALL the others we have not yet heard about! What a blooger!

I see he has had to resort to posting on the Vlad Forum as his only means of venting his malice around ....... How is you English say? "Poor Chap"!!

I also see he does not want arguments on his own blog - he has stopped posts (as if he ever had more zan two or three) from people who vant to post "Anonymous". Obviously wants to talk only to himself so he gets no arguments ......... Poor Blooger!!

1:30 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can we also assume that (like the other Franchise operation) this will involve Money Up Front against HIS WORD that all the promised product line & services will be forthcoming in short order - say 3 to 4 years??

Sounds to me like there is a cash flow problem brewing in the winery! Maybe the grape jelly & aging processes have caused OTHER fermentation in the rotten barrel?

1:42 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I see he has had to resort to posting on the Vlad Forum as his only means of venting his malice around ....... How is you English say? "Poor Chap"!!"

Nope, he couldn't take the heat there either. He accused them of moderating the same way the hate board does. He is just too stupid to remember what he posted about himself.

"Re: Ducado/Duke?Brian/Librarian
Will not be posting here any more - it appears posts are edited to read differently - half thought you people were honest "

10:21 a.m.  
Blogger Lyin' Brian said...

Ha, ha, all you losers, deadbeats, alkies, and rug-wearers at Scottie's will be laughing out of your other ugly orifice when the new heiress joins me soon in the DR. My Private Eye in London has found the best yet, an utter jewel, a fabulously wealthy widow, one who positively drooled over my picture, and when advised that I was a strong, dedicated financial manager, became mad keen to join me in the DR.

That she will do when I have a few loose ends tidied up here. Watch this blog for further developments!!!!!

10:42 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She wasn't drooling over your picture...she was throwing up at the realization that someone could be that repulsive!

10:46 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

New heiress, Lyin' Brian? But you already have one........

1:03 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh ................ NOT again Brian? Remember the LAST one?

1:41 a.m.  

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