Sunday, August 13, 2006

Through my tracing software, I have found out who Keith, IMPOSTER #2, is!!!!! Keith you will recall is the the scurrilous poster, who made some horrible accusations that my wines, whiskeys, and brews were dangerous concoctions and tasted like the south end of a skunk sashaying north.

But, first, I have to show you a portrait of me by a famous English artist, Abdul Abubal Amir-Peckersniff, and now on display in my portrait gallery in my fabulous Pata de Gallina home/distillery. I do not know who commissioned the work but I accepted it graciously acceding to the gifter's insistence that I not black out the "Lord A*****" bit. I don't care. What a laugh!!! Anyone who knows me, is well aware that I'm no A****** anymore than my friend Osama bin Laden is a terrorist or that GWB (and I don't mean the President) and his wife, Marjorie Proops, are good in bed!!!!

Now, I have to go. and I apologise for not having the time to reveal 'Keith's' identity, but that will have to wait until my next posting. It is now 16:28 and in two minutes my wife will be announcing that dinner is served. (She'd better, or I'll have to discipline her AGAIN, and post a picture of her 'sleeping' form in the next edition of my blog.)

Ta Ta, for now. Lyin' Brian
lyinbrianwales@blogspot. com

Drink responsibly
Drink Only Ours
Drink Ducksplatz del Pantherpiss


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know Lyin'Brian, you always gave me the impression your head was much bigger than that!
To make things more effective (& to allow you to wear your rightful crown sitting on the sideboard beside you) why not take your head off & place it under the left arm? We will gladly help if required!
BTW, checked your post re Arabic & YES, some of us DO understand Arabic - just not the incorrect phoneticly spelled Arabic that YOU posted. Might I suggest a check on Google search for more correct spelling in future!!

7:03 p.m.  

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