Monday, August 14, 2006

Today, I received another piece of HATE MAIL from a certain ‘Sister Phyllida Foxworthy’, but this time I know who this new IMPOSTER is!!!! She is really Marjorie Proops, the deceased wife of Bush-baby, AKA GWB, who is mostly dead too after sleeping with all the native sluts in this Caribbean Retirement Paradise. Marjorie will soon hear a knock on the door and it will be the POLICE coming to take her away. Ha Ha!

Anyway, here is Marjorie’s laughable ‘prayer’:

Brothers and sisters let us pray for Brother Brian and Sister Linda. For Sister Linda, that she be strong in the face of adversity, resolute in the face of disappointment and unyielding in her grasp of her own inheritance at all times.

For Brother Brian, that he repent of his evil wiles. 'Tis not his fault, O Lord, 'tis the demon drink. Forgive him for this Lord and show Thy mercy as he seeks his salvation. (1 Corinthians 6:9,10). But, sayeth the Lord, Brother Brian has mocked me! How so, O Lord?

Turning water into wine is MY job, thundered the Lord!

Forgive him, Lord, he knoweth not what he does on this occasion and indeed most of the time. Forgive him his many transgressions, his false pride, his arrogance, his boastfulness, his unwavering assumption that he knows more about all things than anyone else. Forgive him, Lord, his inability to admit ever being wrong. Forgive him his temper, which leadeth him into the path of unforeseen consequences and into the valley of the shadow of upset realtors, builders, inverter sales personnel, lawyers, sales reps. not to mention truck drivers and the public at large.

Thou knowest, Lord, how the demon drink can derange the finest of minds as well as Brother Brian's. Thou knowest, Lord, how the most elite of educations can be severely dented once its benefits have been pickled; and the run of the mill education provides scant foundation to fight the demon drink. Thou knowest, Lord, that thy servant Brother Brian is doubly misguided. Yea, not only does he imbibe Satan's temptation he now conspires to make it, or something which may loosely resemble it, himself. Forgive him, Lord, his contamination of others; his wish to see others committed to a life of everlasting damnation. And, Lord, while we are talking about being committed...

Save him, we beseech thee. Set him on the path of Thy ways, and Thy teachings. Return him to the road to righteousness, to Thy flock and preferably to Ulan Bator.

Hallelujah! Amen.

Sister Phyllida,

Temperance Temple.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry Lyin' Brian, you guessed Wish I had the talent to pen that though, it really was very funny.

1:11 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Lord Giveth & the Lord taketh away.

Well, He has GIVEN us Lord A******,
Now can He PLEASE take care of the 2nd part??

Add this to your prayers dear People!!

6:59 p.m.  

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